Herb Profile: Privet

Botanical Name: Ligustrum vugare

Wax Leaf Ligustrum | Picture Plants | Shrubs, Plants, Evergreen plants

Anti-inflammatory properties useful to treat problems of oral mucosa and the upper airways, useful in case of pharyngitis, bronchitis, stomatitis and canker sores, anti-catarrhal and cicatrizing action of the mucosa.

The privet is a shrub that belongs to the Oleaceae family. Known and appreciated for its ornamental rols, it is commonly used to delimit gardens (yards, lawns etc). It is also used in some herbal medicines for its anti-inflammatory, cicatrizing and anti-catarrhal properties, which are useful when treating the oral cavity and the upper respiratory tract.

Chinese privet is, often, used in traditional herbal medications. The decoction of privet leaves or bark helps to treat diarrhea, stomach ulcers, chronic bowel problems, chapped lips, sore mouths and throats…and a wash for skin problems. Privet leaves and bark have bitter properties that make a useful tea for improving appetite and digestion in chemotherapy patients.

Some species of the plant produce a fruit, which is mildly toxic to humans. Symptoms from eating privet fruit includes nausea, headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, low blood pressure, and low body temperature.

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