Herb Profile: Privet

Botanical Name: Ligustrum vugare Anti-inflammatory properties useful to treat problems of oral mucosa and the upper airways, useful in case of pharyngitis, bronchitis, stomatitis and canker sores, anti-catarrhal and cicatrizing action of the mucosa. The privet is a shrub that belongs to the Oleaceae family. Known and appreciated for its ornamental rols, it is commonly…

Herbal Profile: Hydrangea

Botanical Name: Hydrangea Arborescens Hydrangea root, which contains a number of glyclosides, saponins, and resins, is used most often for treating enlarged prostate glands. The herb is employed to treat urinary stones and cystitis, and it can help prevent the recurrence of kidney stones. But you should not self-medicate for urinary or kidney stones, as…