A Stoic Take On Gratitude

“Don’t set your mind on things you don’t possess as if they were yours, but count the blessings you actually possess and think how much you would desire them if they weren’t already yours. But watch yourself, that you don’t value these things to the point of being troubled if you should lose them.” — Marcus Aurelius,…


Expectorant properties for coughs and bronchitis, regulates the menstrual cycle in the presence of painful and heavy periods, diuretic in case of urination difficulty and cystitis, able to soothe and help the healing process of wounds, sores and varicose veins, tonic for the body, a remedy in case of diarrhea Flower powder Lamium, or dead-nettle,…

Does Practicing Gratitude Help Your Immune System?

New research suggests that gratitude plays an indirect role in improving our health. BY JILL SUTTIE | AUGUST 9, 2021 Print Bookmark Being grateful seems to have a lot of positive effects on our lives. In fact, grateful people may have better sleep, healthier hearts, and fewer aches and pains. But what is going on in our bodies when…

The Dark Side of Black Friday

November 25, 2017 01:05 by Tracey Block  [About the Author] Black Friday–the beginning of the holiday shopping season has officially begun! But do you anticipate the day of spending with excitement and elation or dread and trepidation? Some people are buoyed by the lineups, the bargains, the noise, and the crowds! Others are repelled by the same…

Foodie Friday: Baked Creamy Salmon

Creamy Tuscan Salmon Recipe | Creamy Salmon Recipe Baked Creamy Salmon Set the tuna aside tonight and serve up this surprising salmon casserole. You can use either canned or fresh salmon in this tasty dish. Ingredients For 4 people 1 (14 3/4) oz. can salmon 1 tablespoon(s) lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt 1 dash(es) black pepper 1 cup(s) sour cream 1/2 teaspoon(s) dried dill weed 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 1 tablespoon(s) chopped…

When Do You Give Thanks

Are you the type of person who waits until Thanksgiving or Christmas day to thank or show appreciation to those that you love…and those that have helped you? It is important to spend time during these special holidays to be thankful. However, it shouldn’t be the only time you demonstrate your love and appreciation to…

Gratitude Journal Keeping The Thanksgiving Spirit Alive Year Round

Some people make New Year’s resolutions. I make Thanksgiving resolutions. Every year, I resolve to resume my practice of keeping a gratitude journal. And every year, about three weeks later, I lose the journal. Not that this stops me. I just write my entries in some other journal, or a notebook. You may consider this…

The Silver Mo 2021

Aussie Mo’s, this Father’s Day in Australia we’re fighting for the Silver Mo – the one all men should get to grow. September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and 1 in 6 Australian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. At Movember, we’re on a mission to halve the number of men…

Shifting into Gratitude

The question of whether we or anyone else deserves something is not really in our jurisdiction. We all know what it’s like to finally get something we want, only to find ourselves feeling as if we don’t deserve it. Whether it’s a car, a new job, or a date with someone wonderful, we suddenly feel…

Honey, Gold of the Gods

Vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids and antioxidants, protects the respiratory tract, calms coughs, soothes and improves mood, strengthens the immune system, fights inflammation, metabolic syndrome and overweight, antiaging, gastroprotective actions. AntiagingAntimicrobial actionsInflammationImmune systemRespiratory tract diseasesGastrointestinal problemsMood and Brain Metabolic syndromeDiabetes The jewel inside the glass case shines and glows with gold. We are in Crete,…

How to Foster Gratitude If You Have a History of Childhood Abuse

How to Foster Gratitude If You Have a History of Childhood Abuse By Irina Bengtson “The pressure to be grateful kept me away from the more painful and real feelings of grief, anger, and abandonment. Growing up, gratitude was one more brick on the pile that kept all of the secrets of abuse in place. It…


The Buddha said that desire is the cause of all suffering. That’s all I got for now.

Gratitude: 10 Practical Steps

Do you get up in the morning determined to have a good day and before you know it, you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and that you can’t wait for the day to be over so you can rest? Do you feel like you are existing from day to day rather than living a…

Foodie Friday: Dijon-Tarragon Cream Chicken

Lemon Chicken with Dijon and Tarragon Dijon-Tarragon Cream Chicken Chicken breasts bathed in a delicate mustard tarragon sauce. A quick and simple recipe that you can serve on a weeknight but tastes like a French chef came to your house! By DELTAQUEEN50 Prep: 15 mins Cook: 30 mins Total: 45 mins Servings: 4 Ingredients 1…

We Create Our Own Reality

It’s really no secret that we create our own reality with out thoughts. Everything that we are or have is with us because we’ve wanted it. Whether it’s conscious or not, we bring things, people, and experiences to our lives with our way of thinking. Much like the verses in the bible that say “ask…

Mastering the Art of Showing Gratitude to Ultimately Achieve Your Success

Gratitude. I’m sure you have heard of this word before and you probably know that it simply means a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. Gratitude may be a mouthful to pronounce but the act of showing it is actually rather simple and effective to implement. Knowing the power and potential of showing gratitude and subsequently…

Movember Health Talk: Mental Health & Suicide Prevention

Around the world, the rate of male suicide is alarmingly high: 6 out of 10 suicides are men. We can’t sit back and accept this. Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion. We’re working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well,…

What a Suicide Prevention Expert Says You Can Do to Save Lives

“Being available to have a real conversation about mental health is an important way we can all be there for the people in our lives,” says Christine Moutier, MD. Here’s what you can do to help. BY SPENCER DUKOFF SEP 28, 2021 GETTY IMAGES/AFSP Suicide prevention begins with having more open and honest conversations about an…

An Experiment in Gratitude

Awareness of gratitude will allow you to savor and, above all, appreciate your life with renewed grace. Sometimes we forget to take the time to recognize the richness that defines our lives. This may be because many of the messages we encounter as we go about our affairs prompt us to think about what we…

Reishi Mushrooms

Botanical Name: Ganoderma Lucidum Known as the Mushroom of Immortality the Reishi strengthens and modulates the actions of the immune system, soothes cough and asthma, antitumor and antioxidant, increases energy and vitality, antiallergic… Properties, Where it’s found and How to Use it The Reishi is a mushroom that comes from Japan, considered among the medicinal…

Growing Through Gratitude

Thank you bravery for giving me the courage to leave what I knew behind. Thank you little house on the cliff that gave me a place so far away from everyone. Thank you steep, long, and winding hill that made me feel my heart and legs again. Thank you midnight ocean for always being awake…

Why you Should Show Gratitude to Yourself to Avoid Failure

Have you ever watched or heard about a person’s success story and believed that you could never do what he/she has done? Or have you seen someone come up with a revolutionary idea and thought to yourself that you can never accomplish such a feat? If your answer is yes to either one or both…

Ingratitude is Hateful

We as human beings have many qualities, both good and bad. Some of our bad traits are not very harmful, but some are never forgiven. According to Hindu philosophy, God does not forgive ingratitude under any circumstances. What is gratitude? Simply saying ‘thank you’ is at times enough to express our gratitude, whereas at times,…

Foodie Friday: Smoky and Sweet Char Siu Pork

Chinese BBQ Pork Recipe – Char Siu | Chinese Recipe Recipe From Men’s Health Magazine Sep 2021 What You’ll Need 1 1/4 Cups sugar 1/4 Cup hoisin sauce, Plus 1 TBSP 2 1/2 TBSP Chu Hou paste (or add 2 1/2 TBSP more hoisin sauce if you can’t find this) 1/2 Cup dark soy sauce,…

Attract More Abundance by Being Grateful

Being grateful on a daily basis for just one week is clinically proven to have had benefits lasting for six months or more by studies by clinical psychologists in the academic field of positive psychology. Spiritual masters have known and advocated gratitude for literally millennia. Personal development gurus also state that gratitude is a practice…

Gratitude and the Law of Attraction

Gratitude or appreciation of what we already have is necessary to attract things we want. Every day when you wake up try to be thankful. Think about the good things in your live you should be thankful for. Appreciate your job (even if you don’t like it). Feel gratitude for a place to live. If…

Movember Health Talk: Prostate Cancer

Globally, more than 1.3M men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. Know the facts and take action early. Here’s what you need to do and when: When you’re 50 you need to have a conversation with your doctor about PSA testing. If you’re of African or Caribbean descent, do it at 45. If you…

Movember, a month dedicated to a good cause!

Published on November 2, 2016 at 10:30 / Updated on May 8, 2018 at 20:53 Mental health Physical activity Men’s health Prostate Movember Cancer Over the past few years, November has marked a return of the mustache for many men. But what sparked this new trend? The concept of “Movember” (a combination of mustache and…

Five Minute Gratitude Practice

1. Use the breath to anchor yourself in the present moment. Our minds are always so easily pulled to busyness. Bring particular attention to feeling the breath, or something in the body, as you bring your shoulders down and orient your attention toward gratitude. 2. Next, bring to mind a sight you are grateful for. Move through…

Cow’s Milk

When we are small children, milk makes up a large portion of our dietary intake…it strengthens bones, provides vitamins, minerals and proteins, but in adulthood it should be limited if not eliminated all together. Drinking milk during childhood…During adulthood…Milk Acne…Lactose intolerance…Allergies to milk proteins… So is drinking milk good or bad? Can it be part…

Connect with Loving Kindness

This is a 10 minute guided meditation to help you connect with loving-kindness Begin by thinking about someone who has helped you.Maybe they have been directly generous or kind to you, or have inspired you though you have never met them in person. When you think of them, they make you smile. Bring an image…

Gratitude Activities to Transform Your Mindset

You can find the original article on the Seeking Serotoin Blog site Gratitude activities are exercises designed to encourage you to be more thankful in your day-to-day life. Practicing gratitude is now widely recognized as a fantastic way to improve your mindset as it pushes you to think more positively. Negative thinking is part of…

Foodie Friday: Sliced Beef in Hot and Spicy Oil

Sichuan Cuisine: Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil Recipe From Men’s Health Magazine Sep 2021 What You’ll Need 2 TBSP Shaoxing Cooking Wine 1 TBSP Soy Sauce 1/2 LB Thinly sliced beef brisket 2 TBSP Cornstarch 1 Cup bean sprouts 2 Large leaves from a Napa Cabbage, cut into 2 inch pieces 2 TBSP…

7 Ways to Teach Children to be Grateful

Here are some easy ways to incorporate instilling the virtue of gratitude in your children. As you go through your day, show them, the wonderful events going on behind the scenes that we all most usually take for granted. 1. Set the Right Example. It is better if you teach them by using the appropriate…

Letting go of Fear

Fear will keep you from love. It will cheat you out of your greatness. It will close you off from the world. IF YOU ALLOW IT! Admitting that you are scared of changing careers, enduring your personal relationships, or moving from one location to another is the first step in letting go of fear. It’s…


Movember is the leading charity tackling men’s health on a global scale, year round. We’re tackling some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. We have one goal: to stop men dying too young. In the month formerly known as November, Mo Bros and…

Can Gratitude Help You Live More Sustainably?

A new study suggests that when people give thanks, they’re less likely to overdraw from shared resources. BY ELIZABETH SVOBODA | APRIL 21, 2021 Bookmark Among the first visual symbols of the COVID-19 pandemic were grocery store shelves picked clean by shoppers hoarding pasta and toilet paper. The bare shelves revealed a deeply ingrained human tendency—to grasp…

The Benefits of Breakfast

A healthy and balanced breakfast counteracts stress, reduces the risk of obesity and the accumulation of visceral fat, improves mood, protects the heart and brain index… Why it is important not to skip breakfast, but what should you eat for breakfast? The quality of breakfast matters, among all meals during the day, is unique since…

Disclaimer for A Happy Ohm LLC

If you require any more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us by email at herbalohm@yahoo.com. Our Disclaimer was generated with the help of the Disclaimer Generator. Disclaimers for A Happy Ohm All the information on this website – http://www.ahappyohm.wordpress.com – is published in good faith and for general information…