Butcher’s Broom

BOTANICAL NAME: Ruscus Aculeatus Butcher’s broom enjoys a venerable history as a medicinal herb. The ancient Greeks recommended butcher’s broom for treating kidney stones, gout, and jaundice. Today, butcher’s broom is experiencing a comeback. There is scientific evidence it may have value in treating circulatory problems, such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. In German studies,…

Carrot Seed

Botanical Name: Daucus Carota Carrot seed essential oil derived from the seeds of the wild, rather than the domestic, carrot. This flowering plant is related to the common domesticated carrot, found in your local grocery stores. It is also known as Queen Anne’s Lace. Carrots trace their roots back to central Asia, where they were…


Botanical Name: Boswellia Carteri The frankincense burned as church incense today is the same as tht used by ancient peoples who inhabited the Middle East and North Africa. Eventually the use of frankincense spread throughout Europe and eastward into India, and it was burned as an offering to the gods of many cultures. Aromatherapists and…

Orange (Essential Oil)

Botanical Name: Citrus Sinensis Dispersed throughout the Mediterranean during the time of the crusades, the familiar sweet orange now comes from Sicily, Israel, Spain, and the U.S., each country’s essential oil offering slightly different characteristics. They are rich in vitamins A, B, and C, flavonoids, and minerals. The Chinese, however, correctly warned in the Chu-lu…

Home Health: Black Cohosh

Botanical Name: Actaea Racemosa or Cimicifuga Racemosa The plant has been known to be useful to remedy the effects of hot flashes and some other symptoms related to menopause. Cimicifuga racemosa, commonly known as black cohosh or fair candle, is a plant of the Ranuncolacaea family. It sprouts up quite spontaneously in North America but…

Herb Profile: Privet

Botanical Name: Ligustrum vugare Anti-inflammatory properties useful to treat problems of oral mucosa and the upper airways, useful in case of pharyngitis, bronchitis, stomatitis and canker sores, anti-catarrhal and cicatrizing action of the mucosa. The privet is a shrub that belongs to the Oleaceae family. Known and appreciated for its ornamental rols, it is commonly…

Natural Remedies for Nasal Polyps

Natural remedies can help alleviate and prevent nasal polyps by acting on the nasal mucosa, decongesting it and soothing inflammations, the remedies may also be helpful to counteract the connected headaches. Nasal polyps are a very common benign disorder that affects the nasal mucosa. Even if their origin is still unclear, we now that the…