June is International Men’s Health Awareness Month

June is International Men’s Health Awareness Month…where the world takes the time to shine a, much needed, light on the health issues that are often ignored. Men’s Health Month is an annual observance aimed at raising awareness of preventable health problems and encouraging early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. Across the…

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

If you are an avid reader of my blog, then you will notice that there will not be as many articles posted. May is Mental Health Awareness month and we will be taking full advantage of ensuring that we pay as much attention as possible to our own mental health. We would also like to…

February: Love, Gratitude and Clearing Out the Clutter

Our lives have been flipped upside down for the past two years as a result of this Panorama. Our nerve systems were shaken, and some of us have yet to fully recover, as we were plunged headfirst into our uncertainty, unpredictability, and worry. We’ve grown bored of the DIY projects and just want to regain control…

Accept & Act

You have to let life happen to people. Allow them to at least try to be adults about it first. They can take it. Then, if you have the time, energy, and space, of they’re ready and willing to accept it, and if it’s within reason; sure, give them all the support you can! Trying…

The Lessons I’ve Learned from 2021

I will begin by wishing all of our readers Happy New Year! At the end of every year I try to take some time to reflect back on all of the lessons that came out of that year…this year was no different. Well, maybe a little different, considering the fact that I and many others…

December: A Month for Reflection

As we move into the last month of 2021, I can’t help but to think about how much joy this time of the year brings (or at least the joy it is supposed to bring). For a lot of us it means that we have an opportunity to reconnect with all of the people we…

Disclaimer for A Happy Ohm LLC

If you require any more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us by email at herbalohm@yahoo.com. Our Disclaimer was generated with the help of the Disclaimer Generator. Disclaimers for A Happy Ohm All the information on this website – http://www.ahappyohm.wordpress.com – is published in good faith and for general information…

Herbal Soap Recipe For Eczema

HERBAL SOAP RECIPE FOR ECZEMA Posted ByTaila Jenelle If you’re living with eczema, bathing may cause more pain than pleasure. However, there is hope! Switching from commercial soaps to an herb-infused soap recipe for eczema may be all you need to start to feel some relief. A few months back we walked through how to create…

Spring Greens Vinegar (Preserving Wild Herbs)

Spring Greens Vinegar Herbal vinegars are a simple and delicious way to preserve wild herbs! Since minerals are readily extracted by vinegar, herbal vinegars are also the perfect preparation for mineral-rich herbs such as dandelion leaf, violet, nettle, and red clover. For a nourishing boost to meals, incorporate this infused vinegar into salad dressings and…

Meadowsweet Tea with Rose

Posted By Herbal Academy This meadowsweet tea recipe offers a chance to calm the mind and gently soothe aches and pains while hydrating the body. A great way to practice self-care, this cup of herbal tea contains ingredients known to quiet a busy mind.  Also known as Queen of the Meadow, meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) flower appears…

Meditation Apps

The one question I get a lot from my Meditation students and from the readers of this site is: Do Meditation Apps really work? As a meditation instructor who specializes in traditional forms of meditation, I will say this: Meditation Apps work, just not the way you may think… Wait, what? The idea behind an…

The Dalai Lama Kindness, Clarity and Insight

Whether you are working through a problem with a close friend or trying to stay calm when hearing about world events, there is a new book to help you understand and work with the world around you… “When I meet new people in new places, in my mind there is no barrier, no curtain…In my…

Welcoming in Wellness

May is Officially Mental Health Awareness Month…But I have decided to get a head start…So I have designated March 2021 my head start! And that’s ok! We will post some blogs this month, but not as many as we usually do…But if you would like to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, you will be…

Home Remedies: Tinctures

Commercial tinctures are made by carefully weighing the ingredients and adjusting them according to the individual herbs. However, with common kitchen utensils and very little effort, you can easily prepare suitable tinctures for your own use. First, clean and pick over dried or fresh herbs, removing any insects or damaged plant material. Remove leaves and…

Free Mindful Apps

Find the Original article By  KIRA M. NEWMAN at Mindful NOVEMBER 18, 2019 Free Mindfulness Apps Worthy of Your Attention Mindfulness apps are trending in a big way. Here are five we’re happy we downloaded. There’s no shortage of mindfulness and meditation apps these days, promising to help you combat anxiety, sleep better, hone your…

Letter From TL

For the month of July we tried to focus our discussions around Practicing Gratitude…For the the month of August I would like us to continue to focus on Practicing Gratitude, Only this time we will learn to show OURSELVES Gratitude!!! Most of us have to wear many different hats…we are parents, spouses, partners, Children, Care…

Asthma Inhalation Rub

If you suffer from Asthma it is always advised to speak with your personal physician about your condition, BEFORE you try any self-help, holistic or natural medicinal practices. The information given in this article does not take the place of professional medical advice. Please talk to you doctor before you make an attempt to follow…

Letter From TL

During the month of June we focus on Self-Care and Self-Improvement. For the month of July I would like us to focus on giving, showing, and receiving Gratitude. Gratitude is more than just saying “Thank you”. Gratitude is shifting from the negative in our lives, to appreciating the Positive in our lives. By practicing gratitude…

Avocado Oil Benefits

Avocados are often mentioned when speaking on a well-balanced diet or certain kinds of weight-loss diets – so much so that a lot of healthy recipes use avocado as the main ingredient or incorporate it to boost the nutritional profile and/or weight-loss benefits of a meal. Avocado oil is one of the unique fruit’s popular…

Teaching Our Children Mindfulness

What Is Mindfulness and Why is it Important to Teach Our Children? Mindfulness is the act of consciously focusing your mind in the present moment without having judgment and without attachment to the moment (Linehan, 2015). It can help us become more aware of what is going on for us internally and externally. We become…

Updated Disclaimer For A Happy Ohm Website

If you require any more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us by email at herbalohm@yahoo.com Disclaimers for A Happy Ohm All the information on this website – http://www.aHappyOhm.Wordpress.com – is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. A Happy Ohm does not make any warranties…

Foodie Friday: Mushroom Cutlets with Cabbage Salad

A strong immune system is able to reject the external attacks of bacteria and viruses. To boost and support our immune defenses it is important to have a healthy diet. Mushroom Cutlets with cabbage salad may play a role…to give nourishment to the body, bring vitamins, mineral salts, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances in addition to…

Foodie Friday: Quinoa

Quinoa is one of those “Hit or Miss” foods, in my house. I have tried preparing it in so many different ways…It can be really REALLY good, or it can be super bland, mushy or just all out Bad. Quinoa has always been around, but only started getting the national spotlight within the last four…

April Showers Bring May Flowers

For the entire month of May We are going to focus on raising our Happiness Vibrations. Over the last 2-3 months our planet has been suffering from a viral pandemic that has forced us to completely change the ways we live, work, socialize and simply go about out day to day. We have been self…

Essential Oil Blends that Promote Good Sleep

Insomnia, anxiety, Palpitations and waking up during the night…Sleep isn’t always restorative and the reasons why vary for person to person. Be it a busy lifestyle, heavy meals, thoughts and worrying stressors, some individuals find it hard to relax and end up staying awake throughout the night. To improve the quality and quantity of sleep…

Aloe Vera isn’t just for Soothing Sunburns

We are all aware of most of the benefits the Aloe Vera plant has brought into our lives…We use is for burns and skin soothing. We ingest it as a food or drink to help with detoxing the body. It is also used in different cosmetics. It is very useful in DIY remedies but did…

Absinthe Essential Oil

Known to be a decongestant, The absinthe plant or Wormwood plant is a good for blood circulation, swollen and heavy legs and varicose veins. Belonging to the family Asteraceae or Artemisia Absinthium. Thanks to the bitter and aromatic taste the plant is famous as an ingredient for liquors while its essential oil, obtained through steam…

Elderberry Profile – Bonus Elderberry Syrup Recipe

Before we get into this…please note that Elderberry remedies will not…I repeat…it will not cure COVID-19 Elderberries or Sambucus Nigra is a plant from the Caprifoliaceae family. It has been used, since ancient times, in many different illness remedies…Breakdown Mucus in the body, as an antioxidant and as a diuretic. Needless to say, it is…

Social Distancing can save your life

We understand that being social comes as natural as breathing for most…but please understand that in times like these social situations are not always best. Stay home, find ways to stay connected with lived ones and friends, without putting yours or their health at risk. Namaste!