I Will NEVER Credit Abuse for My Success!

With or without the abuse you suffered, you will be who you choose to be. You are not obligated to grant forgiveness and you do not have to thank your abuse/abuser for becoming successful in life!

Shame is the feeling of believing we will never be loved…

Everyone is drawn to “how to” self-help books because they desire shortcuts to happiness. However, it is vital to comprehend what stands in the way of wholeness. Perhaps the most difficult obstacle is shame. We have mental tapes that play when we are vulnerable or think about being vulnerable, discouraging us from exploiting our talents…

You Don’t Have to Like Your Enemy, but You Can Treat Them With Decency

Weakened by division, we are prone to detect danger everywhere, especially in those with whom we disagree. Hatred, on the other hand, only serves to harm us. We have all had a period marked by fury, misery, and division. The adversary can be found everywhere. While we tighten down the walls against the threat of each…

Alone In a Crowd…But Still Loved (Activity)

You are a part of something bigger than yourself, even if you don’t feel like it. Your community isn’t simply people you know; it also flows freely when you’re in need. During this Global Pandemic, many of us have discovered that many individuals in our communities do not necessarily know one other. These communities have…

Getting Back to the Basics of Love and Romance

Almost any love story has the potential to start off as a fairy tale. “Once upon a time, two individuals fell madly in love with one other, and their love was unlike any other.” Weddings, honeymoons, and the exhilarating first year of marriage are all fantastic ways to start a relationship. Love and romance become…

February: Love, Gratitude and Clearing Out the Clutter

Our lives have been flipped upside down for the past two years as a result of this Panorama. Our nerve systems were shaken, and some of us have yet to fully recover, as we were plunged headfirst into our uncertainty, unpredictability, and worry. We’ve grown bored of the DIY projects and just want to regain control…

What I Learned from Loving a Psychopath

psy·cho·path /ˈsīkəˌpaTH/noun A person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. I found an excellent article depicting what it’s like to fall in love with person who possesses a personality disorder. It way too close to home.I will post some of the main points of the article and include some of my…

The Colors of Flowers

Human beings first used natural colors centuries ago. During those times synthetic colors were not available. Flowers were the main source of color. We are not going to go into how the colors were extracted and so on and so forth, but how colors of flowers can make out lives a better living experience. So…

What is Love and How Do I Get it?

What is love? Everybody uses the word “love” in daily conversations. There are millions of movies and songs based on love, but do we really know what it is? Here are some Greek definitions of love: Eros: romantic love of passion, physical longing, deep intensity, and intimacy. Often initial love that attracts a couple. Attracted…

How to Find Your Real Self Again

On the surface it seems an odd idea that you could actually be anything other than who you really are. But from the time we can talk, we’re being programmed to “fit in”. We find ourselves conforming in order to please the people around us, and sometimes even those whom we love/love us. But sometimes…

Love is the Answer

It’s all about love.  It may seem trite to say, but its true.   Love is where it’s at. What do you want to do in life?  It goes easier with love in your heart. Want better relationships, or a better family life?  Make sure love is in your heart. Trying to do a better job…

Why Do We Hurt the Ones We Love?

You love each other but can’t manage to communicate without arguing, fighting and ending up exhausted, each one in his corner, trying to lick his wounds and thinking of how to protect one self against a new attack. And in spite of that…you love each other? How is this possible? Why do people hurt most…

7 Keys to Happiness

This article summarizes much of what I’ve learned thus far on my journey to self-discovery and positive growth. Along the way, through many of life’s ups and downs, with the help of many awesome teachers and mentors, I now most often live in a state of happiness and contentment. I still have lots to learn…

Learning How to Love Yourself (Guided Meditation Video)

“You need to learn how to love yourself, so that you can…blah blah blah” There’s no doubt in my mind that at some point, or many points, in your life you have heard this statement, or similar…But what does it mean? Is it about getting you a hot chocolate when you are cold? Is it…

Being Thankful Beyond Thanksgiving Day

There are 363 days between this Thanksgiving and the next… The holiday season always brings with a sense of gratefulness, joy and peace…and good will to men. But what goes unrecognized is the fact that we do not need to wait until the season of Thanksgiving comes around to be grateful, show gratitude and say…

Breaking the Chains of the Past to Tear Down your Walls of Shame

Take control of your thoughts and control your reality! “I don’t deserve to be happy…” “I will never be good enough…” “I’m not worthy enough…” Does any of this ring a familiar bell? No matter what career path I have followed, Military, Barbering, Life coaching and Meditation practitioner…I have found tht there is no shortage…

Meditation, Visualization, Self-Love and Grounding

Have you reached a point in your life, where you feel as if you just aren’t attracting the love that you want or that you feel you deserve? Maybe your current relationship has lost all of it’s razzle dazzle…Ask yourself these questions: What is preventing you from being ‘in love’? How much energy do you…

What It Means to Love: 9 Steps to a Strong Relationship

ByLaura Tong “Be there. Be open. Be honest. Be kind. Be willing to listen, understand, accept, support, and forgive. This is what it means to love.” ~Lori Deschene They say your heart pounds when you’re in love. But the very idea of opening up and letting love in can bring on the wrong kind of…

20 Ways to Make Someone Smile

Do you want to put a smile on someone’s face today? Maybe make their day a little better. It won’t cost you a single penny or much time to do just that. And because smiling is contagious, it probably won’t just be one person you make smile today. Here are 20 ways to turn that…

Commitment Phobia

Commitment Phobia is the fear and avoidance of having to commit to anything, relationships in particular. Usually the sufferer will be overly critical of the other partner in the relationship. They will set out to annoy or hurt the other person, thus sabotaging the relationship even if its thought to be going well. Sometimes the…

Talking About Stress

At some point, we all will have a turn dealing with stress in one form or another. You may have stress at work, with your family, dealing with an illness, money problems and so on and so forth… These are some of the most common triggers for negative stress. According to recent studies, about half…

For the First Day of Fall (Autumn)

Today is the first day of fall. Every Fall we are invited to a free show, put on by Mother Nature herself. We get to watch nature transform from bright greens, white, pink, and purple to rich deep greens, yellow, red and beautiful browns. Depending on where you are located, Fall ushers in different scenery,…

Introducing Mindfulness To Children

We are all inherently mindful. Simply observe how a young child is naturally mindful, bringing a sense of wonder and curiosity to their immediate experience and to the world. As adults we may experience mindfulness when absorbed in a hobby or feeling at one with nature. Unfortunately this can be a fleeting state, often referred…


For the last two months we focused a lot of our discussions on showing gratitude to others and to ourselves. We learned how to give and accept compliments, when and where to give them and the tools we needed to show gratitude to ourselves, when no one else would. For the month of September, I…

Are You Last on Your To Do List?

When was the last time you you put “taking care of yourself” or ” do something just for fun”, at the top of your to do list? If your answer is a “long time ago” or ” I can’t remember” or even “never”, well…you’re not alone. From the time we were children, many of us…

Committing to Daily Self Care in 4 Steps

Do you find yourself improvising your self care by just trying to squeeze it in every now and then…whenever and wherever you can, depending on whatever else is going on in your daily life? Does your self care routine look like a bubble bath, glass (bottle) of wine and/or a mid day nap when you…

Love Meditation Exercise

Being able to experience giving and receiving unconditional love and kindness is powerful. It is something we all crave deep inside. A lot of people struggle with the feeling that they don’t deserve love. They feel as if they are not lovable or only worthy of a skewed version of love. They feel that they…

Mood Adjustment

There comes times, in al of our lives, when we have to push through situations that we don’t want – they call these things “Eating the Frog” – the easiest solution to move through these times is to change our attitudes about them. Our days are filled with chores, errands and an array of responsibilities…

Five Explanations To Why Your Life Doesn’t Feel Fulfilling

Ask yourself these questions: ‘When you think about the “ideal” life, where does your imagination take you? If money life situations were not an issue, what would your dream life look like? How would it make you feel to be able to live this life? What would it mean to you to be able to…

Things I do Daily to Feel Good About Myself

Whenever you’re have a rough time, all you really desire (aside from things going right) is to just have someone express to you that ‘Things are going to be just fine’. Most of us tend to hold back when it comes to expressing our personal needs…especially when the only thing we need is a little…

Mending a Broken Heart

A heart that has been broken and has seen torment, uncovers inside it, a split that allows more light to flow in. Heartbreak happens to us all and can wash over us like a substantial downpour. When going through heartbreak, our ethereal selves are soaked with sadness and grief, and the overwhelming flow is channeled…

Show Yourself Some Gratitude, to Avoid Failure

Have you ever watched or heard about a person’s success story and believed that you could never do what he/she has done? Or have you seen someone come up with a revolutionary idea and thought to yourself that you can never accomplish such a feat? If your answer is yes to either one or both…

Letter From TL

For the month of July we tried to focus our discussions around Practicing Gratitude…For the the month of August I would like us to continue to focus on Practicing Gratitude, Only this time we will learn to show OURSELVES Gratitude!!! Most of us have to wear many different hats…we are parents, spouses, partners, Children, Care…

Happiness Is About Connection and Gratitude

People complain. They are complaining all the time about everything. As a child, I was innocent enough to believe just about everything I was told. In the meantime I found out that good things can happen only when we stay “connected” to one another and the to the Universe/God/Nature/Gods around us…Gratitude and happiness are attitudes,…

Ingratitude is Hateful

We as human beings have many qualities, both good and bad. Some of our bad traits are not very harmful, but some seem to be very unforgivable. According to Hindu philosophy, God does not forgive ingratitude under any circumstances. What is Gratitude?Simply saying ‘Thank you’ is, at times, just enough to express our gratitude in…

7 Easy Ways to Teach your Children Gratitude

Here are some easy ways to incorporate instilling the virtue of gratitude in your children. As you go through your day, show them, the wonderful events going on behind the scenes that we all most usually take for granted. 1. Set the Right Example. It is better if you teach them by using the appropriate…

7 Ways to make Mindfulness More Fun

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be dull; you can set an intention to make it more fun with these seven tips. By Sara Schairer, Founder and Executive Director of Compassion It When you think of mindfulness, what do you picture? Do you see yourself sitting … and sitting … and sitting? Sure, there are tremendous benefits of having…

Reflections From Bree Barton (Tiny Buddha’s 365 Tiny Love Challenges)

I recently traveled to Malaysia for a friend’s wedding. The people were kind and warm, the culture rich, the trip magical. On my lat day in Kuala Lumpur, I was headed out to buy souvenirs for family and friends when I stumbled across the most beautiful temple. I wandered around, overcome with majesty, trying to…

Gratitude after Quarantine

“It’s not a bad idea to occasionally spend a little time thinking about things you take for granted. Plan everyday things.” – Evan Davis Let me go back in time. Not too long, but only six months ago when the virus outbreak hadn’t occurred yet. I was cursing the traffic, complaining the beer in a…

Some of the Most Broken People are Usually the Kindest…

“Why The Most Broken People Are Usually The Kindest” By Sherri Hurd “it’s not the sheltered individual that becomes the nicest person in adulthood. It’ the broken people who have the kindest hearts. Trauma, heartache and pain can hold us back if we let them, but they can make us stronger too. These experiences that…

Letter From TL

Hello to Happy Energy Throughout the month of May we made Happiness our focus. We took some time out each day to participate in at least one activity that would help to raise our happiness vibrations and keep us mentally sane while social distancing and self-quarantining. Trying our best to do simple things that would…

Happiness VS Pleasure

We live in a pleasure seeking world. Most of us spend our energy seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. We hope that by doing these things, we will feel true happiness. Yet true happiness and joy seems to elude us at every turn. What most people fail to realize is that there is a huge difference…

Giving Happiness

We all seek Happiness. We all need to feel appreciated. We all crave recognition. We all want to be applauded. We all desire to be seen as and called good and lovely human beings. We all look for these things from the people closest to us…Friends, family and partners. This makes us happy. This makes…

This too Shall Pass

One of the most important life lessons a person can learn is, “This too, shall pass”. It’s a simple realization that all of existence is in a constant state of transition. This moment the way things are as they currently appear, shall change…and, it already has. Everything is always changing. Every formation. Every object. Every…