Stress Free Home

You have to cultivate the peace you desire to dwell in. If you bring nothing but chaos into your home you will never see a stress free space!

Discover Your “Anchors of Normalcy”

Over the last year the word “Normal” has lost most of it’s meaning…because what we thought of as being normal seems to have become a thing of the past. Our lives have been turned completely up side down leaving in a perpetual state of uncertainty. You probably feel as if you are constantly battling your…

What is Love and How Do I Get it?

What is love? Everybody uses the word “love” in daily conversations. There are millions of movies and songs based on love, but do we really know what it is? Here are some Greek definitions of love: Eros: romantic love of passion, physical longing, deep intensity, and intimacy. Often initial love that attracts a couple. Attracted…

Learning How to Love Yourself (Guided Meditation Video)

“You need to learn how to love yourself, so that you can…blah blah blah” There’s no doubt in my mind that at some point, or many points, in your life you have heard this statement, or similar…But what does it mean? Is it about getting you a hot chocolate when you are cold? Is it…

Developing a Belief System that Works for You.

Most will tell you that they can think for themselves To suggest that they are incapable of creating their own ideas is met with an overwhelming attitude to the contrary. All of their success, experiences, and intelligence give a sense of independence. They mistakenly believe that their belief systems is of their own making. Unfortunately…

Falling in Love With Someone You Shouldn’t

The neuroscience of love may be helpful in understanding the inexplicable. Posted Dec 19, 2020 Sebastian Ocklenburg, Ph.D. is a lecturer in biopsychology at Ruhr University’s Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in Bochum, Germany. His research focuses on hemispheric asymmetries in the language and motor systems. “The heart wants what it wants—or else it does not care.” …

Irrational Resistance to Self-Care

Take a look at your daily planner. Now, take note of how many times you scheduled self-care…Most of you probably didn’t have anything to note, right? As parents, workers, children of aging parents and much more, we all have the typical work – and family focused duties on our lists…prepare for this or that, run…

Choose To Be Happy: Home is the Happiest Place to Live In

“The Happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family.” – Thomas Jefferson The world may be a dreary, dreadful, and dangerous place to venture into. There may be cut-throat competition in which survival of the mean, cunning, and bully only is possible….

Being Grateful When Nothing Is Going Right

“You can’t be fearful and grateful simultaneously.” – Tony Robbins During those time when you are going through turmoil and fear, it is not so easy to get your mind to focus on gratitude. But it is during these times when we should be practicing gratitude the most. By practicing gratitude, you will find it…

How to Deal With Supermom Stress

One of the top stressors for women today is what many are calling the “Super Mom Syndrome”. Many of us are led, by society today, to believe that in order to be a successful Mom, we have to do it all and give it all. B*LLS**T!!! We all want to do our best as moms,…

Being Thankful Beyond Thanksgiving Day

There are 363 days between this Thanksgiving and the next… The holiday season always brings with a sense of gratefulness, joy and peace…and good will to men. But what goes unrecognized is the fact that we do not need to wait until the season of Thanksgiving comes around to be grateful, show gratitude and say…

Reduce Your Stress: Your Children are Waiting

Mothers are expected to possess huge hearts, big shoulders, a minimum of 3 hands, all of the answers and the list goes on! But what many mothers forget is that they are not born with super hero powers to handle all of those things at once. I learned about my inability to be the next…

Talking About Stress

At some point, we all will have a turn dealing with stress in one form or another. You may have stress at work, with your family, dealing with an illness, money problems and so on and so forth… These are some of the most common triggers for negative stress. According to recent studies, about half…

Staying Mindful This Autumn

This entry was posted on 30 September, 2016 by TMP Admin. It’s the time of harvest festivals, brightly colored leaves and bonfires. Like any season, the joys of Autumn can pass us by all too quickly if we don’t pay attention. There are of course many reasons to dislike the season too – it’s getting colder…

Mindful Exercise: Sharing a Moment

Life is so much better, when you have others to share it with. The moments when we are feeling at our best…we are are feeling the most optimistic. These are the times when we really like to share, share the positive things and positive energy. We are born with a capacity to connect with and…

Working From Home and Mindfulness

Due to the CoVid-19 Pandemic, a lot of people have had to limit their contact with the outside world…We have had to move our work and school operations into our homes. Then there are individuals such as myself, who have been working/going to school from home for quite some time, even before the outbreak. Some…


For the last two months we focused a lot of our discussions on showing gratitude to others and to ourselves. We learned how to give and accept compliments, when and where to give them and the tools we needed to show gratitude to ourselves, when no one else would. For the month of September, I…

Are You Last on Your To Do List?

When was the last time you you put “taking care of yourself” or ” do something just for fun”, at the top of your to do list? If your answer is a “long time ago” or ” I can’t remember” or even “never”, well…you’re not alone. From the time we were children, many of us…

Committing to Daily Self Care in 4 Steps

Do you find yourself improvising your self care by just trying to squeeze it in every now and then…whenever and wherever you can, depending on whatever else is going on in your daily life? Does your self care routine look like a bubble bath, glass (bottle) of wine and/or a mid day nap when you…

Love Meditation Exercise

Being able to experience giving and receiving unconditional love and kindness is powerful. It is something we all crave deep inside. A lot of people struggle with the feeling that they don’t deserve love. They feel as if they are not lovable or only worthy of a skewed version of love. They feel that they…

Things I do Daily to Feel Good About Myself

Whenever you’re have a rough time, all you really desire (aside from things going right) is to just have someone express to you that ‘Things are going to be just fine’. Most of us tend to hold back when it comes to expressing our personal needs…especially when the only thing we need is a little…

Happiness Is About Connection and Gratitude

People complain. They are complaining all the time about everything. As a child, I was innocent enough to believe just about everything I was told. In the meantime I found out that good things can happen only when we stay “connected” to one another and the to the Universe/God/Nature/Gods around us…Gratitude and happiness are attitudes,…

The Attitude of Gratitude

Winning a million dollars would feel great, right? What if you could feel that way about what you already have? Yes, it might feel great to win the lottery. Money, houses, travel – these are wonderful, but not enough by themselves. You need the right frame of mind to fully enjoy life. You need the…

The Japanese concept of “Ma”

I started working from home back in December of 2019…well before staying at home became a thing…But I will be bold enough to admit that the first 2 -3 weeks were not easy…I found myself overly concerned with empty space in my home, during my day and in my life, in general. Let’s discuss this…

Ingratitude is Hateful

We as human beings have many qualities, both good and bad. Some of our bad traits are not very harmful, but some seem to be very unforgivable. According to Hindu philosophy, God does not forgive ingratitude under any circumstances. What is Gratitude?Simply saying ‘Thank you’ is, at times, just enough to express our gratitude in…

Gratitude and The Law of Attraction

Gratitude or Appreciation of what we already have is necessary to attract the things that we desire. Every day when you wake up, the goal is to be thankful. Think about the good things in your life that you should be thankful for. Appreciate your job (even if you don’t like it). Feel gratitude for…

The Absence of Gratitude Ensures Unfavorable Relationships

A New Study may suggest that partners who don’t show equal amounts of gratitude is bad for their relationships Envision that you’ve set out on a journey to become increasingly more appreciative. You obediently journal about the upbeat occasions in your day, preparing your psyche to see the positives. You notice and start to value…

Some Quick and Easy Meditation techniques to Calm your Busy Mind

We have all had periods in our live where we have found it hard to motivate ourselves to get up and get moving towards our positives…Goals, good feelings, projects etc. But eventually we find our way down the path of success and it makes us feel better than we have ever felt before, and hen…

Helping Those You Love with Their Anxiety

Anxiety is the second most prevalent mental illness affecting the populations of many different countries, there is a great chance you know someone who is or will experience it. But what can you do to support them during their time of need? According to The Anxiety and Depression Association of America, approximately 40% of American…

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can riches truly buy you happiness? Wealth can buy many luxuries, but not true happiness. Money cannot buy contentment (We’d all would sure like to try though…). Money can surely buy us time with a psychiatrist with who we can talk about our unhappiness, but no amount of money can buy us happiness. Sometimes more…

This too Shall Pass

One of the most important life lessons a person can learn is, “This too, shall pass”. It’s a simple realization that all of existence is in a constant state of transition. This moment the way things are as they currently appear, shall change…and, it already has. Everything is always changing. Every formation. Every object. Every…

Getting to know you (Me) and Getting real about who you are…

I believe it was last week when we started discussing “Self-Love” and the reasons why some of us find it a difficult task to complete. I am going to take a little time today to dive just a little deeper into the topic and give you some journal prompts that will help us all to…

The Persecution Complex

Over the last 30 days we have spoken a lot about self love, positive self talk and dealing with toxic people…But one thing we haven’t really touched on is how we can be toxic to ourselves…We often think a lot about how the people around us hurt us in different ways, but how much of…

Extrovert and Quarantine

My son is such a social butterfly and of the three people stuck in my house during this quarantine, he is the one who suffers the most…It got to the point where he was happy just going out and sitting in the car. We didn’t actually go anywhere, but sitting in the parked car for…

CoVID-19, Myths and Good Habits

This article was shared from the Natural Remedies App, with some rewording due to English translation inconsistencies. The novel Coronavirus has changed our lives very quickly. Unfortunately, since it is a virus that until now had never been observed in humans, at the beginning of the emergency little was known about its behavior and what…

Is the CoVID living in your Fridge?

Most of us have gone the distance to keep ourselves and our loved ones as safe as possible…taking every measure possible to avoid contracting this horrible virus. Social distancing, staying at home, continuous hand washing, Lysol spraying and wiping surfaces until the point of discoloration (maybe this last one is just me, I am definitely…