Setting Boundaries at Work

Setting boundaries at the work place requires a slightly different strategy than you might use with family members, spouses or friends. If you want to be productive and enjoy your work, you need to learn to set boundaries which will serve you well and set up lines of respect.

Do you have trouble speaking up if you think you’re being disrespected or is work being piled on you so that you’re falling behind and not spending time with family and friends? It’s important that you quickly address the situation and set clear boundaries about what you will and won’t tolerate.

You should begin your boundary-setting journey by thinking clearly about what’s bothering you at work and what you hope to gain by setting the boundaries. You also need to think about possible repercussions.

For example, if you’ve been working every weekend for the past year and are now going to refuse, there may be some eyebrows raised and you may feel uncomfortable. That’s normal and can be addressed by calmly and politely stating that you can no longer work the long hours.

When communicating your boundaries, don’t bring them all to the table at once. Begin slowly and keep moving forward with more boundaries after you get used to the conversations with those you discuss them with.

You’ll quickly see what works with your coworkers – and what doesn’t. Areas where you’ve felt frustrated and angry in the past will become clearer and you’ll realize that it actually feels good to establish lines of respect for your time and efforts.

If you’re being disrespected in some way by a boss at work, you may need to have a private conversation and express your feelings about whatever is leaving you frustrated and overwhelmed. Keep in mind that no one has the right to disrespect you or make your life miserable by demanding more than you can give.

At first, you’re bound to be concerned about the consequences of setting boundaries in the workplace. It takes courage to speak up in any area of your life, but work is linked to your livelihood and self-worth.

Think about – and write down – what a possible outcome will be of you speaking up at work. Then create a scenario about how you’ll handle it. When you express your feelings with confidence and preparation, you’ll be and feel much more in control of your destiny.

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