Meditation Monday: Grounding Through Body Awareness

#MeditationMonday#GuidedMeditation#Grounding Follow this link to grab your copies of our Mental Health Books and Gear! #MeditationMonday #GuidedMeditation #Grounding #Awareness #SelfLove #Healing #SelfCare #MentalHealth #ShadowWork #MyHappyOhm #BlackWomen #Women #InnerChild #Love Instagram – @Ok_Namaste Facebook – @MyHappyOhm TikTok – @My Happy Ohm

Stress Free Home

You have to cultivate the peace you desire to dwell in. If you bring nothing but chaos into your home you will never see a stress free space!

Change Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow

My Happy Ohm Humans seek comfort and stability… Unfortunately, if you seek change the first step is step outside of your comfort zones. Willingly stepping into the unknown can be a scary thing, which is why a lot of people will not venture off to find the peace and happiness they desire. Social Media: Instagram…

Weekly Ohm Discussion: No Going Back

My Happy Ohm Time never stops…so with or without your input, life will continue to move forward. Social Media: Instagram – @Ok_Namaste Facebook – @MyHappyOhm TikTok – @MyHappyOhm

What We Perceive Becomes Our Realities

My Happy Ohm No matter what other people say to you, it will never be more damaging than the things you tell yourself. Social Media: Instagram – @Ok_Namaste Facebook – @MyHappyOhm TikTok – @MyHappyOhm


My Happy Ohm Being strong looks different in all of us… Some people may have great mental strength while other have great physical strength. Your strength is defined by you and only you…it is not up to others to tell you when where or how you need to fine your personal strength! Social Media: Instagram…

Being Enough…FOR YOURSELF!

My Happy Ohm Knowing that you are enough starts with self acceptance. No one is perfect, in general, but everyone has the ability to be their perfect self. Learn to love and accept the fact that you have flaws, work on those flaws, and love yourself with those flaws. YOU ARE ENOUGH! Social Media: Instagram…

Meditation Monday: 5 Min Mindful Guided breath Meditation

My Happy Ohm You are not required to sit in silent meditation for hours on end. It just takes a few minutes of your day to sit and listen to the sound of your own breathing. This is one of simplest ways to give yourself self love and self care on a daily basis. ❤Happy…

Alone but Not Lonely

My Happy Ohm When there are too many unsatisfying aspects to solitude, some people find it unsettling to be left alone. However, being alone does not always imply being lonely. Assume, for example, that you are alone with your thoughts. If you find peace in solitude, your time alone may be a blessing, a welcome…

Happiness and Comfort

My Happy Ohm There is a difference between being happy and being comfortable. Happiness is born by doing while comfort is born by remaining stagnant. Social Media: Instagram – @Ok_Namaste TikTok – @MyHappyOhm Facebook – @MyHappyOhm

Meditation Monday: waking Up With Awareness

My Happy Ohm Start your day with #mindfulness! Be aware of the small things around you, especially when you first rise for the day…this will set the tone for the rest of the day. Social Media: Instagram: @Ok_Namaste Facebook: @MyHappyOhm TikTok: @MyHappyOhm Email:

You Make Me Feel So…

My Happy Ohm Your emotions may be affected by forces outside of you, but YOU and only you have the ability to control what you do with those emotions. You choose how you act and react to any and everything that happens to you… SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram – @Ok_Namaste TikTok – @MyHappyOhm Facebook – @MyHappyOhm

Self Love Journaling

My Happy Ohm When you journal for the purpose of practicing self-love, what you’re really doing is reflecting on your own thoughts and actions as well as learning more about yourself. You go through periods of acceptance, redemption, and understanding to grow your esteem and personal worth while learning to love yourself. By keeping a…

Other People Cannot Fix You!

My Happy Ohm You cannot rely on others to make you happy, healthy, or whole. They may be able to guide you and give you the tools, but it is solely up to you to heal and be a better human being! Social Media: @Ok_Namaste on Instagram @MyHappyOhm on TikTok @MyHappyOhm on Facebook

The Persecution Complex

My Happy Ohm per·se·cu·tion com·plex noun noun: persecution complex; plural noun: persecution complexes; noun: persecution mania; plural noun: persecution manias

Self Sabotage

My Happy Ohm Sometimes we cause more harm to ourselves than any outside force. Learning to accept your faults and being honest with yourself is the most simplest form of self love… FOLLOW US: Instagram: @Ok_Namaste

Recognizing the Suffering in Others

My Happy Ohm It is always easy to acknowledge our own pain and suffering. This is because we, directly, experience it. But we never take the time to see and empathize the pain in others, then get upset when they are not empathetic to our plight. Take the time to acknowledge the suffering of others,…

Real Love is Self Love

My Happy Ohm Self-love is a feeling of admiration for oneself that develops through behaviors that promote our mental, emotional, and spiritual development. Having a high regard for your own pleasure and well-being is what it means to love yourself. Self-love entails taking care of one’s own needs rather than sacrificing one’s own well-being to…

9 Affirmations

My Happy Ohm It’s all about Positive self talk. When you speak kindly to yourself, you tend to ignore the negative words spoken about you, by other people. We are responsible for creating our own happiness, not depending on outside sources (other people) to make us happy. So get in the habit of self validation!

Dealing with Toxic People

My Happy Ohm A toxic person has no problem depleting the people around them to maintain their own comfort…so it is up to YOU to create and maintain boundaries for yourself. Follow on other social sites for daily content InstagramFacebook TikTok

Signs that you’re in a toxic, unstable relationship (Self Help Tips) 

Partnerships are not all created equally. Some come in like a hurricane and leave you considerably worse off than before. You question exactly how you got here as you struggle to understand the mess that is now your existence. Throughout my mid-late 20s, I became involved in a toxic relationship. After some time has gone and I’ve…

Meditation Monday: 10 Minute Guided Meditation for Stress Relief

My Happy Ohm Upbeat meditation for stress relief… Stress can become a chronic condition if the proper steps to manage it are not taken. Chronic stress can cause chemical changes in the body that may raise blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. Long-term stress or high levels of stress may also lead to…

The 60 Second Method

My Happy Ohm The best way to avoid unnecessary drama is to choose to give more thought to your responses. Take, at least, a 60 second pause to think about how you are going to reply, if you reply at all, to a high stress conversation. You are not obligated to respond, but if you…

The Chicks Left the Nest…How Do You Cope?

The time has come, for parents to send their growing “babies” off into the world to learn to spread their wings. How do I know? Because I am one of those parents. Learning how to let go and allow our children to blossom into the adults that we tried so hard to teach them to…

Shame is the feeling of believing we will never be loved…

Everyone is drawn to “how to” self-help books because they desire shortcuts to happiness. However, it is vital to comprehend what stands in the way of wholeness. Perhaps the most difficult obstacle is shame. We have mental tapes that play when we are vulnerable or think about being vulnerable, discouraging us from exploiting our talents…

Imperfection Bestows Courage, Compassion, and Connection

When we detest ourselves and feel inadequate, ideals like bravery and compassion appear difficult to live up to. The good news is that they are not new requirements for us to meet, but rather resources we already have. Do you feel vulnerable and helpless? Perfect! These flaws are chances for you to put these techniques…

What adults can do to help black children’s mental health

Click here to see the original article at Greater Good Berkeley Psychologist Riana Elyse Anderson explains how families can communicate about race and cope with racial stress and trauma. BY MARYAM ABDULLAH With his last breaths, George Floyd called out, “Momma!” before he was killed in Minneapolis. He was one of nearly 1,300 black people who have been killed by police…

Increasing Engagement with Your Life

Grab your pen and paper… Crayon and bedroom wall (Ok don’t write on the wall)… Favorite journal and pink furry pen…Whatever you choose, just get something to write with and write on. Reflect on how you are relating to your experiences today. Daily reflections will reveal which patterns to be more mindful of… Start this…

Optimizing Your Schedule for Growth

Grab your pen and paper… Crayon and bedroom wall (Ok don’t write on the wall)… Favorite journal and pink furry pen…Whatever you choose, just get something to write with and write on. Reflect on how you are relating to your experiences today. Daily reflections will reveal which patterns to be more mindful of… Start this…

Meditation Monday: Motivation for Black Women

Jamaal Noland This is Motivation for Black Women. This is a compilation of motivation speeches clips and more that I put together to inspire black women to continue to be great despite the obstacles placed in your way. Build daily self esteem and believe in yourself because you are strong. Motivation For Black Women Part…

Nine Tips for Talking With Kids About Trauma

After a tragedy, kids will have questions. How do we respond? BY KIRA M. NEWMAN As much as we might want to, we can’t always protect children from witnessing violence and tragedy in the world, whether it’s mass shootings, terrorist attacks, or war.  As parents, teachers, and other supportive adults, what we can do is comfort…

Back From a Break…Sorta

One thing I will not do is force a square peg into a round hole. I began to notice that the content ideas and articles where beginning to feel forced and the writing started to get stale and repetitive. So instead of posting two or three articles a day, it slowed down to maybe one,…

International Men’s Health Week Panel Discussion

University of the Southern Caribbean International Men’s Health week is usually celebrated annually, to honour the importance of the health and wellness of men and boys. The School of Social Sciences joins the international platform to honour the wellness of men and boys, by having this panel discussion which focuses specifically on The Types of…