Advantages/Disadvantages of Surrendering

Surrendering may also bring various positive results. If you surrendered because you think it is a right decision, here are the benefits you can get:
  • Don’t need to think over and over again
  • End your confusion of starting a new life
  • Let go of your past life and focus on your present situation
  • Knowing that you are strong enough to face your reality

Depending on your situation, surrendering can be an act of courageous. Say for instance, if you are in love with your friend and your friend doesn’t love you, what will you do? Though you fight for your feelings and the situation is still the same, you have to stop dreaming. You need to face the reality that you and your friend are not meant for each other. Instead of chasing them, let go of those feelings and move on with your life. Through this, you have a chance to meet another person who will love you the way that you love them.

What are the Advantages / Disadvantages of Mechanical Seals? - Leak-Pack
Sometimes, people don’t have the power to face their fears. Instead of facing their issues, they prefer to give up and surrender to the defeat. There are some instances that you situations are worthy to fight for…while others are not. If you always give up without giving it a good fight, here are some of its disadvantages you may encounter:
  • Can’t prove that you are worthy for that thing
  • Think various possibilities in case you fight for it
  • Able to get what you want and love to do
  • Disappoint other members of the family and friends
  • Reduce your self confidence

The advantages and disadvantages of surrendering can be weighed depending on your situations. If you want to get what you really want, make sure that you decide whether you will continue or surrender the things and persons you love.

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