Home Remedies: Prediabetes and Cinnamon


After doing a little reading, I will say that the first thing one must do is see a doctor. All of the home remedies in the world may be make you feel great (it’s always mind over matter) but they will never replace the help and information you receive from your doctor. Every article and medical journal I came across states that having your physician monitor your condition should always be your first and last resort. But they never discourage one from using natural remedies in SOME cases…not as a replacement of prescribed medications though.

Basically, what I’m saying is the following article is NOT a 100% cure that excuses you from having to seek medical attention for a very serious medical condition. Always talk to your physician before trying or starting any holistic or natural treatment plan!

Cinnamon May Improve Blood Sugar Control in People With Prediabetes – Could  Slow Progression to Type 2 Diabetes

A recent visit from a family member made me want to look into the topic of Diabetes. I watched this family member check their blood sugar two and three times a day during the time of their visit and also administer medication via needle stick.

After witnessing this I decided to do a bit of searching to see if there was any way to prevent, manage and/or rid the body of Sugar Diabetes. I did come across a few different things but the one that I found the most interesting was a study that treated Prediabetes.

Prediabetes Study

Prediabetes is a condition whereby blood sugar levels are higher than normal. This state can, in the long run, lead to type 2 diabetes (The typical diabetes of adulthood). Spices, and in particular cinnamon, appear to be an effective remedy for fighting prediabetes. This emerges from a very recent study published in the Journal of Endocrine Society by a team from the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston.

The researchers recruited 51 people, all of whom in prediabetes conditions. Study participants were divided into two groups. The first group was asked to take a supplement containing 500mg of cinnamon 3 times a day. To the second group, instead, was given a placebo. The people were followed for a period of 12 weeks. At the end of this period, it was possible to observe that cinnamon had been beneficial for keeping blood glucose levels stable in those who had taken the supplement. In fact, cinnamon had reduced abnormal and high blood glucose levels. Not only that, this spice has also been able to improve the body’s response following a carbohydrate meal.

Cinnamon Beats Placebo in Prediabetes | MedPage Today

Therefore, cinnamon was able to counteract prediabetes and was well tolerated and without particular side effects. You can add, for example, a pinch of cinnamon to yogurt or in your morning coffee, to give a warm and spicy taste but also to add more health! BE careful, however, before taking supplements, it is always better, in this case, to ask your doctor for advice by evaluating your personal situation.

About Cinnamon Antioxidants

Looking through the nutritional facts about cinnamon, you may not think “Super Food”, but despite it’s lack of vitamins and minerals, it does contain large amounts of antioxidants, which give it its health benefits. In fact, a group of scientists compared the antioxidant content of 26 different herbs and spices and concluded that cinnamon had the second highest amount of antioxidants among them…Cloves came in first.

Antioxidants are important because they help the body to reduce oxidative stress, a type of damage to cells, which is caused by free radicals. One study showed that consuming 500mg of cinnamon extract daily for 12 weeks decreased a marker of oxidative stress by 14% in adults with prediabetes. This is significant considering oxidative stress has been implicated in the development of nearly every chronic disease, including type 2 diabetes.

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