April Showers Bring May Flowers

Finding Happiness – Dialogue

For the entire month of May We are going to focus on raising our Happiness Vibrations. Over the last 2-3 months our planet has been suffering from a viral pandemic that has forced us to completely change the ways we live, work, socialize and simply go about out day to day. We have been self quarantining to keep ourselves and our families safe and healthy, and for a lot of people it has been very hard to cope.

The rise in depression cases have reached peaked numbers…depression, loneliness and just sadness in general are real emotions that have taken over the lives of many…Now that we are starting to turn the corner on the way to better street, we have to find a way to bring our emotional states back to some sort of normalcy. It didn’t take a day to get to where we are and it’s not going to take a day to get back. But with some consistency and hard work we can.

In an effort to help us all I have come up with a 30 day challenge that will give us a single activity to focus on for 30 out of the 31 days of May. Activities that will help to put a smile on our faces even when we don’t feel there is much to smile about. If you would like to participate in our daily Happy you will have to follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…I will continue to make post here but the Happiness challenge will only be posted on those other Social media sites.

I really hope that you will join me!


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