Herb Profile: Olive Leaves, a Powerful Weapon Against Inflammation and Obesity

Obesity levels are estimated to have tripled since 1975 and that in 2016 13% of the world’s population was considered obese. We eat too much and badly, foods rich in fats, sugars and refined flours, and we do little physical activity. The problem with obesity is that it is linked to a low but constant…

Herb Profile: Motherwort

Botanical Name: Leonurus cardiac Overview Motherwort is a plant. The parts that grow above ground are used for medicinal purposes. Motherwort is used to help prevent and/or stop bleeding. It is also used for ease the effects of heart conditions, menopause symptoms and some other conditions that people suffer from…but there is no affirming evidence…

Herbal Profile: Couch Grass, Herbal Medicine

Botanical Name: Elymus Repens and Agropyrum Repens Couch grass is a grass that is also known to be an invasive garden weed. The roots and leaves are often used for medicinal purposes. Couch grass roots have been ingested by mouth for constipation, cough, bladder swelling (inflammation), fever, high blood pressure, and/or kidney stones…it is also…

Natural Remedies: Eucalyptus, Mother Tincture

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus Globulus Anti-Inflammatory, antibacterial and balsamic action on the airways, useful in cases of cough, phlegm, asthma, sinusitis and sore throat, it also acts by reducing blood sugar. Eucalyptus is an evergreen medicinal plant of the Myrtaceae family. Eucalyptus is widely used in herbal medicine in the form of infusion, decoction, essential oil…

Jujubes…Not just a Candy at the Movie Theater

Jujubes are fruits from the Jujube or Ziziphus Jujuba, a plant from the Rhamnaceae family…Also known as the Chinese Date. Jujubes contribute to regulating blood pressure. They also have laxative properties, digestive, disinfectant and antioxidant effects against free radicals. The fruit is also very rich in vitamins A, B and C, which are useful in…