Managing My Resistance

Written by Erik G One of the things that interests me most about conflict is the tendency to resist it and the ways in which this resistance causes me to miss key moments, when I might respond with purpose and intention but do not. Resistance is a reactive habit. When I resist, I’m on automatic,…

Managing Conflict by Making Your Boundaries Clear

Setting important personal boundaries effectively is the first step in learning how to manage conflicts in your life. The conflict may be with a coworker, child or spouse and it could come in the form of a heated argument or a statement that you disagree with or that you feel disrespects you. When you avoid…

Conflict Resolution Tactics Inspired by Cats & Dolphins

Enlightening perspectives on conflict resolution have been inspired in me by sacred animals, Jessie Justin Joy, the feline teacher and dolphins. Does peace ever occur in the outer or is the idea of “peace” the ego’s way of saying, my way? Perhaps peace has been here now eternally and is simply waiting for us to…

Managing Conflict by Letting Others Know Your Boundaries

Setting important personal boundaries effectively is the first step in learning how to manage conflicts in your life. The conflict may be with a coworker, child or spouse and it could come in the form of a heated argument or a statement that you disagree with or that you feel disrespects you. When you avoid…

Managing My Resistance: Learning to Flow with What Life Offers

One of the things tht interest me most about conflict is the tendency to resist it and the ways in which this resistance causes me to miss key moments, when I might respond with purpose and intention but do not. Resistance is a reactive habit. When I resist, I am on auto pilot, and I…