Ride of Life

One of the biggest challenges that most people face in the exiting times we live in, is the feeling that their lives are just spiraling out of control. They feel like the events and circumstances of their lives have lead  them along a torturous route and that they have no control over all the misfortunes…

Managing Conflict by Making Your Boundaries Clear

Setting important personal boundaries effectively is the first step in learning how to manage conflicts in your life. The conflict may be with a coworker, child or spouse and it could come in the form of a heated argument or a statement that you disagree with or that you feel disrespects you. When you avoid…

Stop Allowing Your Emotions to Define You

Create an enabling environment where you can manage your emotions and moods. There are a number of factors that influence why you will be in one mood or another and how you can get out of it. Before we go any further, it’s important to know the difference between having an emotion and being in a mood. An emotion…

Setting Boundaries at Work

Setting boundaries at the work place requires a slightly different strategy than you might use with family members, spouses or friends. If you want to be productive and enjoy your work, you need to learn to set boundaries which will serve you well and set up lines of respect. Do you have trouble speaking up…

Boundaries to Build Your Self Confidence

The one element in your life that can increase your self-confidence is the ability to set boundaries and implement healthy relationships. Boundaries are the imaginary lines that we put in place to protect our minds, emotions and bodies. They keep us from being manipulated or controlled by others and to enjoy our lives more. Personal…

Accept & Act

You have to let life happen to people. Allow them to at least try to be adults about it first. They can take it. Then, if you have the time, energy, and space, of they’re ready and willing to accept it, and if it’s within reason; sure, give them all the support you can! Trying…

Managing Conflict by Letting Others Know Your Boundaries

Setting important personal boundaries effectively is the first step in learning how to manage conflicts in your life. The conflict may be with a coworker, child or spouse and it could come in the form of a heated argument or a statement that you disagree with or that you feel disrespects you. When you avoid…

Regain Your Energy Levels by Setting Boundaries

There are many reasons your energy levels may be low. Sometimes, it’s because we haven’t set or enforced our personal boundaries and people are taking advantage of our time. Sometimes, certain people we’re around can drain us of our energy and leave us tired and frustrated because we continue to let these people take advantage…

The Difference Between Positive and Negative Mindset in Surrendering

When you hear someone saying “I give up” or “I surrender”, what comes into your mind? Maybe you will say that this person is too weak. They are too weak because they easily give up on their own situations or problems. But, this perception is not always right. Depending on the person, they surrender because…

Boundaries to Build Your Self Confidence

The one element in your life that can increase your self-confidence is the ability to set boundaries and implement healthy relationships. Boundaries are the imaginary lines that we put in place to protect our minds, emotions and bodies. They keep us from being manipulated or controlled by others and to enjoy our lives more. Personal…

Setting Boundaries at Work

Setting boundaries at the work place requires a slightly different strategy than you might use with family members, spouses or friends. If you want to be productive and enjoy your work, you need to learn to set boundaries which will serve you well and set up lines of respect. Do you have trouble speaking up…

Setting Boundaries Fosters Healthy Relationships

Extraordinarily healthy relationships are built on strong personal boundaries. Whether it’s friends, coworkers, significant others, kids or family – boundaries which define the relationship need to be set and enforced so that you and others will understand your limits. When people enter into relationships with weak or no boundaries, they risk being misunderstood. Eventually, resentment…

Take Control of Your Time By Setting Boundaries

Poor time management can cause stress you don’t need in your life. If people at work or within your family and friends are taking advantage of you by requesting or demanding precious time – it’s time to set boundaries for yourself. Part of the problem with letting people steal your time from you could be…

Demand Respect by Setting Boundaries

Do you get the idea that others lack respect for you, your beliefs, time and personal boundaries? It could be that you’ve been hesitant about setting those boundaries and following through with enforcing them. Others, including the most important people in your life, may begin to take advantage of you if boundaries haven’t been clearly…

Personal Boundaries Are Important

You can’t possibly ensure that your relationships are trustworthy and respectful unless clear personal boundaries are in place. It’s a way that others know your limits and dictates what their behavior will be when they’re around you. If you’re uncomfortable around some people because of the way they treat you, it could be a good…

Who is Driving the Ride of YOUR life?

One of the biggest challenges that most people face in the exiting times we live in, is the feeling that their lives are just spiraling out of control. They feel like the events and circumstances of their lives have lead  them along a torturous route and that they have no control over all the misfortunes…

Your Relationships with Others Can Effect Your Mental Health

Choose your circle wisely because the people you surround yourself with not only shape your reality but above all they determine who you are as a person, you know the old tropes “…birds of a feather flock together/you are the company you keep”… The people you dedicate your time will bring the best in you…

Make the Most of Your Time by Setting Boundaries

Poor time management can cause unnecessary stress in your life. If people at work or within your family and friends are taking advantage of you by requesting or demanding precious time – it’s time to set boundaries for yourself. Part of the problem with letting people steal your time from you could be you. If…

Boundaries are NOT Flexible

At any point in your life do you feel objectified, manhandled and befuddled? it’s probably that you are experiencing “Boundaryitis”. Boundaries are, in a general sense, critical to creating solid connections. They are fundamental when you are in the process of cultivating relationships , or with people that say they love you. They’re considerably more…

Regain Your Energy Level by Setting Boundaries

There are many reasons your energy levels may be low. Sometimes, it’s because we haven’t set or enforced our personal boundaries and people are taking advantage of our time. Sometimes, certain people we’re around can drain us of our energy and leave us tired and frustrated because we continue to let these people take advantage…

Conflicts Can be Managed by Letting Others Know Your Boundaries

Setting important personal boundaries, effectively, is the first step towards learning the way to manage conflicts in your life. The conflict could also be with a coworker, child or spouse and it could are available the shape of a heated argument or a press release that you simply simply afflict or that you feel disrespects…

Creating Boundaries Fosters Healthy Relationships

Extraordinarily healthy relationships are built on strong personal boundaries. Whether it’s friends, coworkers, significant others, kids, or other family members – boundaries which define the relationship need to be set and enforced so that you and others will understand your limits. When people enter into relationships with weak or no boundaries, they risk being misunderstood….

Set Boundaries to Command Respect

Do you get the thought that others lack respect for you, your beliefs, time and private boundaries? It might be that you’ve got been hesitant about setting those boundaries and following through with enforcing them. Others, including the foremost important people in your life, may begin to require advantage of you if boundaries haven’t been…

Setting Boundaries at the Work Place

Setting boundaries at the work place requires a rather different strategy than you would possibly use with family or friends. If you would like to be productive and luxuriate in your work, you would like to find out to line boundaries which can serve you well and found out lines of respect. Do you have trouble speaking up if you think that you’re being disrespected or is figure being piled on you in order that you’re falling…

April is a Month of Compassion and Boundaries

We have touched on the the topics of Compassion and setting boundaries, very briefly before. But while having a discussion recently, it was very clear that compassion and Boundaries usually work hand in hand…This is not to say that one doesn’t exist without the other, it is to simply point out that to be more…

How to Set Difficult Boundaries in a Compassionate Way

Hailey Magee “We can say what we need to say. We can gently, but assertively, speak our mind. We do not need to be judgmental, tactless, blaming, or cruel when we speak our thoughts.” ~Melody Beattie When I first learned about the concept of boundaries, I imagined how freeing it would feel to finally be…