The Human Body

This human body is a celestial vault containing seven treasures. Generally while discussing Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) we talk of 6 Chakras but in reality they are 7 in number.  Sahasrar or the 1000-petalled lotus is the pinnacle of all Chakras.  Because it is in the brain it is considered a chief.  It is…

Managing My Resistance

Written by Erik G One of the things that interests me most about conflict is the tendency to resist it and the ways in which this resistance causes me to miss key moments, when I might respond with purpose and intention but do not. Resistance is a reactive habit. When I resist, I’m on automatic,…

Self Improvement Advice

Written By Erik G I am sure that I am not alone in the fact that I have a large army of demons in my head. These demons are always talking to me and trying to advise me about how to react to different situations. For many years I listened and took their advice, these…

Why Personal Boundaries are Important…

You can’t possibly ensure that your relationships are trustworthy and respectful unless clear personal boundaries are in place. It’s a way that others know your limits and dictates what their behavior will be when they’re around you. If you’re uncomfortable around some people because of the way they treat you, it could be a good…

Stop Allowing Your Emotions to Define You

Create an enabling environment where you can manage your emotions and moods. There are a number of factors that influence why you will be in one mood or another and how you can get out of it. Before we go any further, it’s important to know the difference between having an emotion and being in a mood. An emotion…

Regain Your Energy Levels

Regain Your Energy Level by Setting Boundaries There are many reasons your energy levels may be low. Sometimes, it’s because we haven’t set or enforced our personal boundaries and people are taking advantage of our time. Sometimes, certain people we’re around can drain us of our energy and leave us tired and frustrated because we…

The Inside is What Counts

This article will focus on who we are on the inside. No matter how hard we try to hide it, who we are on the inside will eventually appear on the outside. You’ve probably heard of individuals wearing their hearts on their sleeves, and this is because our hearts contain some really strong feelings. You might be the finest…

Mindfulness During Times of Chaos

Unexpected, stressful, and challenging moments and situations abound in life. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsatisfied with your life when these difficult moments occur. Worse yet, when these sensations come, individuals frequently disregard them or dismiss them as a sign of weakness. This exacerbates the problem, resulting in a never-ending cycle of tension,…

Maintaining a Healthy Sense of Self

It takes a lifetime to work on appreciating yourself. It’s a never-ending journey, and even reading this article and taking the time to reflect on what’s going on inside your thoughts is a step forward in improving your self-worth. This article is only a beginning. It will take time and work to transform your feelings…

Getting Back to the Basics of Love and Romance

Almost any love story has the potential to start off as a fairy tale. “Once upon a time, two individuals fell madly in love with one other, and their love was unlike any other.” Weddings, honeymoons, and the exhilarating first year of marriage are all fantastic ways to start a relationship. Love and romance become…

We Play Games to Massage Our Egos

What exactly are games? Games are pre-defined behavioral patterns that operate under the surface of social interactions. When individuals play games, they appear to be wanting one thing, and if asked, they may make a superficial case for it (“I’m just kidding!” or “I was just wondering”). We are, however, facilitating a deliberately constructed, calculated…

Using Distraction to Get Through a Hard Day

When life becomes a little too much for me and I need to take a break, I employ a simple tactic called distraction, which works wonders for me.When I divert myself, I’m actually interrupting a pattern of behavior. Shopping, calling, or emailing friends are not included in this strategy because these are things I would…

What Happens When We Fail?

Is this to say that all you’ve fought for and believed in has been a lie? That you’re not cut out for the goals you’ve set for yourself?Or…Is it seen as a necessary aspect of your own development as a human being? Is failing merely a sign that you’re on the correct track, and all…

February: Love, Gratitude and Clearing Out the Clutter

Our lives have been flipped upside down for the past two years as a result of this Panorama. Our nerve systems were shaken, and some of us have yet to fully recover, as we were plunged headfirst into our uncertainty, unpredictability, and worry. We’ve grown bored of the DIY projects and just want to regain control…

Turning Hardships into Diamonds

Sometimes life is hard. I’m here to tell you that it’s hard for everyone. For some more than others. But here’s a secret that it took me decades to learn – no pressure, no diamonds, meaning that the harder life is, the stronger and more brilliant you can become. Now it’s time to turn your…

Wellness After 30

How do you define your Wellness? How does it show up within your current lifestyle? Some years ago, when I was in my early 30s, I asked myself these questions…too many times to remember. When I was in my early 30s, I watched my body, my health, my emotions and my sense of “self” start…

Beauty, Gratitude and the Open Heart

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. “…beauty on your earth is a shadow of the beauty of our heaven, and it’s a bitter thing to have a blindness for beauty on earth, for it makes a longer teaching to see the beauties of heaven.” Spoken by an Irish spirit in the book The Boy who Saw True (anonymous…

Life is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It

I loved the feeling I had when I would receive something new, and would not want to spoil it by using it unless it was for something special. I would want to save it for a special occasion. A new dress would sit in the closet, until a special event to wear it. Perfume would…

Happy New Year! I Resolve to NOTHING!

Coming to you live from my bathroom The time has come to make resolutions…People making promises to better themselves…Lose weight, stop smoking, be better humans, going to church etc etc etc… I brought in the new year, completely refreshed from a good night’s sleep, by waking up at about 10:00am…and I made one promise…not to…

Dear Black Women, Let’s talk about healing | Angela Bowden | TEDxMSVUWomen

Beginning with a powerful poem, Angela talks about the power of acknowledging and healing from the “strength and resilience trauma” that black women normalize and carry; Realizing the black woman’s burden and healing our caregivers and youth. Angela Bowden is a writer, speaker and activist. Bringing her lived experiences as an African Nova Scotian woman,…

The Lessons I’ve Learned from 2021

I will begin by wishing all of our readers Happy New Year! At the end of every year I try to take some time to reflect back on all of the lessons that came out of that year…this year was no different. Well, maybe a little different, considering the fact that I and many others…

Keep Thinking Positive for a Happy Life

I have met many people in my life who are very negative. They moan about seemingly everything and walk around with the weight of the world on their shoulders. I was also like that until the age of twenty-two, at this age I decided to have a new approach to life. For those first twenty-two…

Tools Used in Healing the Inner Child

Tools or strategies used on healing the inner child create a personal life of peace, passion and happiness. They can also help in developing the skills you need to rediscover the joyful and passionate side of yourself. With these tools, you also have a chance to alter your thought patterns to create a life with…

Butcher’s Broom

BOTANICAL NAME: Ruscus Aculeatus Butcher’s broom enjoys a venerable history as a medicinal herb. The ancient Greeks recommended butcher’s broom for treating kidney stones, gout, and jaundice. Today, butcher’s broom is experiencing a comeback. There is scientific evidence it may have value in treating circulatory problems, such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. In German studies,…

Understanding the Spiritual Connection

As you heal your inner child, you have a chance to improve your spiritual emotional freedom. Your deep spiritual connection affects all other areas of your life. Compared before, you will become more at peace with yourself. You will also feel more joy and become more energized. In addition, you will begin to alter your…

The History of Healing

To take away bad memories and pains in the past, you need to understand the healing of your inner child. Through this inner child medication, you can heal your mind and soul. You also have a chance to recover the self-confidence to forgive and forget the pain. As a result, you will live in a…

Forgiving Yourself and Others

Learn to forgive and forget – that’s the common advice you have heard from your friends and family. But, this is easier said than done. Most people fail to forgive their enemies. Though forgiving others is quite tough, you can still do it. Do you know how? If not, here are some ideas you can…

Yearning For Acceptance

When, exactly, does one start to yearn for acceptance? Is it when we are born?Is it when we first feel the pain of non-acceptance?Is it when we begin to be challenged in sports?Is it when when we fall into the ever talked about ‘peer pressure’? Is it when we fall in love?Is it when we…

Understanding Why We are Here

It is believed by most people that everything in human’s life is a reflection of the real spiritual life. Most things exist in this world to help people’s understanding of the spiritual reality. The Sun, for instance, shines it’s light, one to give warmth and two, to make things grow. Without the sun, there would…


Once you’ve taken responsibility, your next task is to decide the direction you want to go in and more to the point, the goal or vision that you are working toward. A lot of people are a little directionless in this sense. How can you spot he opportunities that arise if you don’t know what…

Boundaries Kickstart

Excerpt from: BOUNDARIES FOR WOMEN KICKSTART GUIDE by Alison Cook, Ph. Stop for a moment and think about this question: How often do you say “Yes” on a typical day? Laundry. Dishes. Shuttling kids. Meeting up with a friend in crisis. Responding to texts or emails from co-workers. Hitting the grocery store with 20 minutes…

What is Happiness?

Are you happy? You would think this is a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ question, but believe it or not many of us are not sure about it. There is also no simple way to define exact happiness. Most of us are not living happy lives…this is the curse of the modern age. Try and make…

Choosing Happiness

Ever heard someone say,”…so-in-so is great, but I’m just not happy?” Or have you ever wondered why you just couldn’t seem to find happiness? Read on to learn how you can choose to be happy. Happiness is something you have to “choose” to be. A person could have all the money in the world, and…


In martial arts, there is the popular notion of ‘chi’ (also qi or ki). This is often described as being a kind of life energy and often it is treated as quite esoteric – even being mystical. This is the same ‘energy’ that we see characters in Street Fighter and Dragon Ball Z firing from…

True Happiness

Most people look outside of themselves for the reasons concerning their unhappiness and/or frustration. After all, wouldn’t life be practically perfect if the significant people in our lives would simply do things in a way that pleases us and/or do what WE think is best? Actually, this the kind of thinking that perpetuates the misery……

Improving Your Mindset

What is it that makes some people more successful than others? More importantly, what is it that makes some people happier than others? Of course, you can always point to luck and you can always point to outside factors. Sure, there is often an element of knowing the right people. Of being in the right…

December: A Month for Reflection

As we move into the last month of 2021, I can’t help but to think about how much joy this time of the year brings (or at least the joy it is supposed to bring). For a lot of us it means that we have an opportunity to reconnect with all of the people we…

How to Foster Gratitude If You Have a History of Childhood Abuse

How to Foster Gratitude If You Have a History of Childhood Abuse By Irina Bengtson “The pressure to be grateful kept me away from the more painful and real feelings of grief, anger, and abandonment. Growing up, gratitude was one more brick on the pile that kept all of the secrets of abuse in place. It…

Can Gratitude Help You Live More Sustainably?

A new study suggests that when people give thanks, they’re less likely to overdraw from shared resources. BY ELIZABETH SVOBODA | APRIL 21, 2021 Bookmark Among the first visual symbols of the COVID-19 pandemic were grocery store shelves picked clean by shoppers hoarding pasta and toilet paper. The bare shelves revealed a deeply ingrained human tendency—to grasp…

Disclaimer for A Happy Ohm LLC

If you require any more information or have any questions about our site’s disclaimer, please feel free to contact us by email at Our Disclaimer was generated with the help of the Disclaimer Generator. Disclaimers for A Happy Ohm All the information on this website – – is published in good faith and for general information…

Your Harmonious Mind

To live in a harmonious way, you have to know when to fight and when to surrender. Unlike others, you don’t need to hide yourself and/or permanently attach yourself with your past. You have to be strong and make the best moves to ensure that you life will turn out great. Whether you want to…

Managing Conflict by Letting Others Know Your Boundaries

Setting important personal boundaries effectively is the first step in learning how to manage conflicts in your life. The conflict may be with a coworker, child or spouse and it could come in the form of a heated argument or a statement that you disagree with or that you feel disrespects you. When you avoid…

Advantages/Disadvantages of Surrendering

Surrendering may also bring various positive results. If you surrendered because you think it is a right decision, here are the benefits you can get: Don’t need to think over and over again End your confusion of starting a new life Let go of your past life and focus on your present situation Knowing that…

Regain Your Energy Levels by Setting Boundaries

There are many reasons your energy levels may be low. Sometimes, it’s because we haven’t set or enforced our personal boundaries and people are taking advantage of our time. Sometimes, certain people we’re around can drain us of our energy and leave us tired and frustrated because we continue to let these people take advantage…

How to Use Patience

Patience is a great virtue, that not everyone has but should. From the word itself, it means more essence when it comes to the perfect moment and opportunity. In general sense, patience is a term used when you are biding your precious time and waiting for an ideal opportunity to come over on your ways….