Black Pepper Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Piper Nigrum

Traded more than any other spice in the world, black pepper has been prized since antiquity not only for its flavor enhancing spiciness, but also for its medicinal usefulness. The spice has been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, was frequently used in ancient Roman cookery, and was so coveted by Europeans that it was used as a form of currency. In fact, Alaric the Visigoth, famous for sacking the city of Rome in the year 410, demanded 3,000 pounds of pepper as a ransom for the city! The spice is obtained by cooking and drying the unripe fruit of the flowering vine. Once dried, oil can be extracted from the fruit by crushing it.

Therapeutic Properties

Supports cell function, immune system, and circulation; antioxidant; provides a warming sensation when applied topically.

Used For

The warming properties of black pepper oil make it ideal for soothing sore muscles and aiding in relief from arthritis and rheumatism. A couple diluted drops rubbed into the affected area can help improve pain and ease mobility. Taken internally (again, diluted), black pepper oil protects the body from free radicals and helps to repair cell damage, and has even been shown to lower cholesterol. It may aid digestion, and help to kill harmful bacteria in the body.


Black pepper oil should not be taken in large quantities, ad it can cause vomiting, sleeplessness, and overheating. Also, care should be used when applying topically, as the warming sensation of the oil may be irritating for sensitive skin.

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