Your Relationships with Others Can Effect Your Mental Health

Choose your circle wisely because the people you surround yourself with not only shape your reality but above all they determine who you are as a person, you know the old tropes “…birds of a feather flock together/you are the company you keep”… The people you dedicate your time will bring the best in you or completely break you. Optimistic and positive people will add value to your life, while negative individuals will steal your happiness and distract you from achieving your goals.

Choose the people you spend your time with mindfully. Differentiate between people who inspire you, push you to become a better person, give you hope and empower you to succeed and those individuals who make you feel bad about yourself, discredit your ambitions and drill holes under your boat to get it leaking. Choose your friends wisely. Find your tribe, your people with whom you connect, share your joys and sorrow, celebrate your achievements and grow. Listen to your intuition and invite in your life only those who give you a feeling of belonging, offer emotional support, bring great joy and positively impact your life. Get rid of toxic individuals that harm your health and wellbeing.  

Make time with FAMILY and LOVED ONES count – reconnect with your loved ones whenever you can and squeeze from these special moments as much positive energy as you can. 

Spend your free time in a good COMPANY (Spending time in a good company is an incredible opportunity to create memorable experiences, connect with others, boost happy hormones, and just relax.)

Remove TOXIC PEOPLE from your life, they have a problem for every solution

Establish and maintain healthy BOUNDARIES with others

If you have to interact with a negative person use the Gray Rock Method (The Gray Rock Method is essentially about coming across as a boring, uninterested, indifferent and monotonous person. It is intended to make a toxic person lose attraction to you.)  

Improve your relationship with YOURSELF


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