Cocoa Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Theobroma Cacao

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The scent of cocoa oil tends to give one a feeling of wellbeing, energy and vitality…it is useful to fight against fatigue, depression/sadness, helpful in case of stress or to counteract stress eating, able to stimulate the tissues, to tone and nourish the skin against cellulite, for soft and glossy hair.
Aside from it’s aroma therapy uses, cocoa oil also has antioxidant properties and can be used in cosmetics and cooking…


Cocoa essential oil is able to stimulate the nervous system, it evokes the psycho physical wellbeing and for this reason it is useful against depression, fatigue and some stressors. It is also helpful for those individuals who feel stuck and too controlled in their behaviors. You can use a diffuser or oil burner, one drop per square meter of the room you use it in, or you can use it as a massage oil to get energy and vitality. Mix 2-3 drop of cocoa essential oil and a tablespoon of jojoba oil or sweet almond oil and use this lotion to massage the body. Alternatively, you can also prepare a bath by adding 15 drops of essential oil to the water. As a remedy against stress eating you can breathe a drop of cocoa essential oil to a handkerchief during the day.


Cocoa essential oil is used to scent many different cosmetic products. In addition to this, thanks to its antioxidants and nourishing properties, it makes the skin soft, hydrated and luminous. It fights against the aging process but it is also able to tone the tissues and remove the tensions that contract the face. Try to add a drop of cocoa oil to a tablespoon of your facial or body cream. Moreover, thanks to its stimulant properties 3-4 drops of cocoa essential oil can be added to a tablespoon of aloe vera gel or to a neutral cream for anti-cellulite massages, repeat the treatment 2-3 drops of cocoa essential oil to your shampoo.


Cocoa essential oil can give your recipes a sweet and delicious taste. For 100g or ml of food or drink, a drop of the oil should be enough to make your dish/drink extra fragrant.

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